Unity is the default desktop manager in Ubuntu since the 11.04 version (April of 2011) and this, for someone, is again today a problem. Personally I think Unity is easy to use and I like it but I understand that other people prefer have a classic menu with applications collected in categories. maybe for habit …
Sometimes could be useful open in terminal the folder/directory you’re using directly from Nautilus, one of the most used file manager in lots of Linux distributions. To do this is very easy, it’s enough add the nautilus-open-terminal extension to the file manager Nautilus with the following command:
Many people that have to manage data from different sources (DB2, MS Sql Server, MySql, Oracle, Excel, …) surely knows Pentaho Data Integration also known with the name Kettle. It’s a fantastic ETL (Extract, Transform, Load). But, because there is always a but, there is a little problem on Ubuntu 14.04 and Oracle Java: spoon, …
Sometimes, on your Ubuntu PC, could be useful working with commands in Terminal with a Windows shared folder, for example to syncronize backup with rsync. The problem is how to access to a Windows shared folder by the Terminal? Which is the path of Windows shared folder in Ubuntu 14.04? At first you have to …
In another post I wrote about how to encrypt a folder using Gnome EncFS Manager on Linux. In this article I want to tell how to encrypt an USB stick or an external hard disk, but first I want to explain why. The answer is quite easy, I need to encrypt an hard disk or …
To install Ubuntu Linux is very easy for anyone, easier than to install Windows because you haven’t fight with the driver: it usually recognize all hardware you have. In this post I want describe how to install Ubuntu encrypted. Why I have to install Ubuntu encrypted? Is it necessary? It isn’t necessary to install Ubuntu …
Encrypting folders (directories) in Ubuntu Linux is very easy because the opensource world has got many solutions. One of them is Gnome EncFS Manager. This application uses EncFS to encrypt, so it permits to manage the same directory encrypted with cryptkeeper. Gnome EncFS Manager is managed in the system tray notifications bar but there isn’t …
Configure a Cisco VPN connection on Ubuntu Linux is very simple, no annoying proprietary client needed, you can do it with the standard Network Manager. First be sure to have the Network Manager plugin for Cisco VPN: network-manager-vpnc-gnome. To do it, open Ubuntu Software Center and search network-manager.
Download Youtube video is a very simple work with a tool named Minitube. No browser or plugin needed, only Minitube Minitube is an open-source software released under GPL license. It’s free for Linux, (a small donation is always appreciated 😉 ), instead, for Windows and Mac Osx, costs only 8,99 euro.
Ubuntu has problems with brightness on HP Pavilion DV7 laptop (DV7-6B97EL). Don’t works the function keys to manage the brightness. No problem, in the Ubuntu World nothing is impossible and everything is easy 😉 To solve this little problem edit /etc/default/grub and change the instruction below: